Haha, we’re in the air again.
I feel quite different from “normal”.
Having spent a week in the Isha Yoga center, with daily meditations & yoga, hours of it at times, embracing mysticism and a more humble side of life … Something happened.
Even if I don’t know what. Nor could I explain it. So I’m not going to try. But maybe I kind of will.

A tribute to the first human to seek and achieve enlightenment through looking inward.
I thought I used to be interested in knowing. Gathering knowledge. Learning more.
Now I understand that learning more does in fact not mean gathering knowledge.
Everything I’ve ever learned in some form has been an experience.
And my experience is all I know and will ever know.
My new commitment as of now is to un-know everything that I still know/believe.
Because isn’t knowing and believing the same thing?
The conviction that a thought is true?
And do I need to believe anything that I experience?
For me, it’s a clear no. My experience in fact is all I know.
Yes, I definitely recommend being open to yoga and meditation to everyone.
At the very least, it opens up the possibility for new perspectives, which is fun, interesting, useful, and who knows, maybe even transformational!
But enough of this dwelling on my weekly meditation, yoga & introspection retreat,
Although before I conclude these thoughts on them, I want to share a poem I wrote:
Struck by nothing I could understand
Eyes of Shiva fire love with relentless power
I was gazed upon
In pure ecstacy and joy
my being was shaken
time froze
nothing mattered
a connection beyond words
I was touched beyond skin and bone
Forced to face a reality I cannot grasp
I am small
And also this experience
with the last one
will fade
to a memory
desecrating the aliveness of experience.
I choose to not know
I choose to seek
I choose to be open
Because it seems the unexplored world
beyond body and mind
has messaged me.

As far as Indian travels are concerned, we’re having the expected daily change of plans.
While we were peacefully being confused in conversations with locals, enjoying the beautiful local scenery and culture, haggling for tuktuk fares and opening our eyes wider than we thought was possible in every waking moment, a sudden event struck us like lightning from the sky:
A message from our friend Danish.
This sounded a little concerning, so I called him as soon as I saw the message…
What happened? Are you ok?
– Yeah, yeah, no problem whatsoever, the thing is, there’s this Indian wedding going on. And since it is usually a huge and crazy event, you guys are totally invited.
Oh wow! Cool, thanks! Where is it?
– In Delhi!
Aah, just 2000km from here. Let’s go!

And so, a few days later, at the time of this writing, we’re in the air again.
In the flight we’ve booked on a whim, to North India!
A continent we were now pulled to, expectedly unexpected!
As a great mind once said: With great change of plans come great possibilities.
A wedding. Taj Mahal. Krishna’s birthplace. Varanasi?
Our 3 week trip is turning into an action packed adventure with a blend and taste of much that India has to offer! Let’s go!